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Castle Chemicals Uniqchem 的英国/爱尔兰官方经销商

Uniqchem Logo

Welcome Uniqchem to our existing principals Castle Chemicals Ltd are delighted to announce the addition of Uniqchem to our existing principals serving the UK and Irish markets. Uniqchem is a privately owned speciality additives company with manufacturing assets in Germany and China supported by a global Technical Service network and laboratories. They operate with multiple […]


European Coatings Journal Directory Show 2021

We are pleased to be working with the European Coatings Journal. Their Directory and meeting people at the show in Nuremberg, Germany next March 2021.  A bit about us and why!  Anchoid family is Castle Chemicals proprietary range of Dispersants based on Condensates of Naphthalene Sulphonic Acid. • Key Benefits are to increase the Solids […]

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M22 5WY,英国

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